Incomprehensible Rudd-speak baffles climate summit
Always the last refuge of someone who hasn't a clue what they are talking about, speaking in long complicated words which actually mean nothing is Rudd's speciality.
It also has this particular native English speaker scrambling for a meaning as well...
Read it here.
While addressing German press and Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr Rudd said it was unlikely any progress [on climate change] would emerge from the Major Economies Forum "by way of detailed programmatic specificity".
The line had German translators scrambling for a meaning.
It also has this particular native English speaker scrambling for a meaning as well...
When asked about the Prime Minister's choice of words today, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull said Mr Rudd would be better to use clear, plain English.
Mr Turnbull admitted he personally had "no idea what (programmatic specificity) means".
"As I understand it, I heard part of his speech was not only incomprehensible in English, but so incomprehensible the German translators were unable to translate," Mr Turnbull said.
Read it here.
It's no accident Rudd is using newspeak really looks like G8 have decided to drop the ball over CO2, preferring to move the goalposts and identify a temperature target...
Ayrdale, At
July 10, 2009 at 10:35 AM
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