Token Gesture Alert - free insulation to tackle "climate change"
It will do no such thing, of course, but it makes the Government feel like they're doing something. You will recall that Krudd & Co announced it will fund insulation for 2 million homes, reducing carbon [shurely "dioxide" - Ed] emissions by 49 million tonnes. The Australia Institute sees straight through the paper thin flannel:
Read it here.
The Australia Institute's executive director Richard Denniss says the Government's carbon pollution reduction scheme will just reallocate those emissions.
"The way the Emissions Trading Scheme is designed, every kilogram of emissions saved by a household frees up an extra permit for a big polluter," he said.
"So while it's true this scheme will help reduce households' use of energy, it won't reduce Australia's emissions at all.
"What they do is take those permits freed up by what the individuals have done and sell those permits to the aluminium industry or the steel industry or anyone else who wants them.
"So effectively the carbon pollution reduction scheme is really just a carbon pollution reallocation scheme."
Read it here.
The reprot also said:"The Government says the scheme will help households save energy and cut carbon emissions by up to 49 million tonnes by 2020."
Cut Carbon (CO2?) emissions by up to 49 million tonnes?
Does anyone know how they arrive at that figure, or is it, like most of the IPCC stuff a guesstimate - "perhaps it will reach 49mT;" possibly it could reach,,,,etc"
Or PERHAPS they made up that figure.
Paul Simon sang about "Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes." Would DIAMONDS leave a CARBON footprint?
Taluka Byvalnian, At
February 5, 2009 at 5:08 PM
An Interesting Note:
A Scientist from my own hometown - Louis Hissink - a geologist who until recently was stationed at Hall's Creek working at his Chosen Profession and presumably earning above KRudd747's cut off point will not get the Hand-Out, but as he lives in a caravan -self describe -but not true - Trailer-Trash - asked on Andrew Bolt's Blog whether he would get the Batts (I think PINK for LOUIS) for his Caravan.
Taluka Byvalnian, At
February 5, 2009 at 5:30 PM
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