Seth Borenstein: catalogue of alarmism
Following on from the previous story on "record SSTs", Marc Morano at Climate Depot lists the alarmism and hysteria of AP reporter Seth Borenstein (first link is currently down):
- AP's Borenstein in a PANIC: 'Obama left with little time to curb global warming'...'cooling trend illustrates how fast the world is warming' - December 14, 2008
- Scientists Denounce AP's Borenstein For Hysterical Global Warming Article - December 15, 2008
- Say it ain't so! AP's Borenstein Reports: 'The Wind seems to be dying down...the cause may be global warming' - June 10, 2009 - Excerpt: Scientist mocks wind claims: 'How can they have more intense storms from the same effect that is lessening winds?'
- Two dozen prominent scientists denounce AP's Borenstein's article promoting sea level fears in the year 2100 - September 24, 2007
- AP's Borenstein excludes scientists and peer-reviewed studies countering claims of allegedly 'melting' Antarctic - March 27, 2008
- AP's Borenstein inaccurately described scientist as "one of the few remaining scientists skeptical of the global warming harm caused by industries that burn fossil fuels' - July 27, 2006
- Kudos to AP's Seth Borenstein for writing the most balanced of all the media's articles about this new Antarctic study - January 21, 2009
- Arctic Scare! AP's Borenstein out of control (again) - Warns of 'Tipping Point' - Quotes James Hansen, Bob Corell & a Greenpeace 'scientist' – August 28, 2008 - Excerpt: More ominous signs Wednesday have scientists saying that a global warming "tipping point" in the Arctic seems to be happening before their eyes: Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is at its second lowest level in about 30 years. [...] Five climate scientists, four of them specialists on the Arctic, told The Associated Press that it is fair to call what is happening in the Arctic a "tipping point." NASA scientist James Hansen, who sounded the alarm about global warming 20 years ago before Congress, said the sea ice melt "is the best current example" of that. [...] On top of that, researchers were investigating "alarming" reports in the last few days of the release of methane from long frozen Arctic waters, possibly from the warming of the sea, said Greenpeace climate scientist Bill Hare, who was attending a climate conference in Ghana.
I really like to read.Hope to learn a lot and have a nice experience here! my best regards guys!
seo jaipur--seo jaipur
August 27, 2009 at 7:07 AM
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