Idiotic Comment of the Day - Michael Moore
A deeply unappealing character at the best of times, it's really no surprise that Michael Moore is a climate alarmist of the worst kind. Speaking in the wake of General Motors' bankruptcy in the US, and demonstrating heartfelt concern for the thousands of employees likely to be out of work as a result:
Yet another worthy winner. That reminds me - I need to take our weapon of mass destruction in for an oil change...
Read it here.
"The products built in the factories of GM, Ford and Chrysler are some of the greatest weapons of mass destruction responsible for global warming and the melting of our polar icecaps."
Yet another worthy winner. That reminds me - I need to take our weapon of mass destruction in for an oil change...
Read it here.
Interesting. Doesn't Toyota sell more cars than GM, Ford or Chrysler - even in the US alone? How come Moore doesn't feel Toyota makes weapons of mass destruction? It can't be a financial thing - Ford, I understand, is managing rather better than Chrysler or GM. Could it be that Moore has some sort of grudge against some companies because they're American?
Anonymous, At
June 7, 2009 at 10:37 PM
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