As Earth Hour will undoubtedly result in the earth cooling a fraction of a degree, it's good that fine folks like yourself are doing your part to take the chill off.
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Please note that this blog is a humorous and satirical look at climate change propaganda in Australia and around the world. Please comment accordingly! Thanks.
First off, I am not a climate scientist. But that's OK, since neither is Al Gore. However, I do have a Masters degree in Engineering from the University of Cambridge, so I am better qualified to comment on scientific matters than 99.9% of journalists you will read in the mainstream media.
As Earth Hour will undoubtedly result in the earth cooling a fraction of a degree, it's good that fine folks like yourself are doing your part to take the chill off.
Thank you Simon.
Anonymous, At
March 27, 2009 at 2:22 AM
so does that mean if Earth Hour was actually Earth Week we could expect a new ice age to be triggered?
Anonymous, At
March 27, 2009 at 1:04 PM
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Please note that this blog is a humorous and satirical look at climate change propaganda in Australia and around the world. Please comment accordingly! Thanks.
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