If it's not climate change, it will be something else…
ACM's favourite alarmist is on top form again, this time in cahoots with an bunch of international enviro-crackpots, who have prepared a report on the "lines in the sand" that must not be crossed if we are to "save the planet." No, really, stick with it:
So when the climate change fraud has finally been debunked, and the alarmists are desperately looking for another path to global socialism, this report gives plenty of options to choose from:
You have been warned.
Read it here.
The boundaries for climate change, fresh water use, pollution and ozone depletion among others, if transgressed, could bring the world into a new era of decline, the scientists warn.
The global study brought together 28 researchers, including three Australians, and outlines exactly what levels are required to keep the world sustainable.
For climate change, it's a carbon concentration of 350 parts per million; for biodiversity, it's the loss of only 10 species per million each year.
"We are entering the Anthropocene, a new geological era in which our activities are threatening the Earth's capacity to regulate itself," said report co-author Professor Will Steffen, a director of the Climate Change Institute at the Australian National University in Canberra.
"The expanding human enterprise could undermine the resilience of the Holocene state, which would otherwise continue for thousands of years into the future.
"Here we have a challenge ... on how can we get our act together?"
So when the climate change fraud has finally been debunked, and the alarmists are desperately looking for another path to global socialism, this report gives plenty of options to choose from:
The other areas include the stratospheric ozone, land-use change, ocean acidification, fresh water distribution, the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, aerosol loading and chemical pollution.
You have been warned.
Read it here.
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
Why can't they just get a life and leave us alone to live ours in peace!!!
JennyinOz, At
September 24, 2009 at 3:59 PM
Unfortunatlely the propoganda machine is ramping up bigtime.
Did you see the Catalyst report on the ABC tonight.
Yee Gods.
Anonymous, At
October 15, 2009 at 8:47 PM
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