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Australian Climate Madness

Friday, July 31, 2009

UPDATED: Even UN thinks Rudd's ETS rush is unnecessary

Kevin Rudd's excuses for trying to force through the ETS legislation before Copenhagen are in tatters. Now even the moonbattish UN has stated that there is no urgency for the scheme to be in place before the climate summit:
It won't matter if Australia doesn't have its emissions trading scheme finalised by December's Copenhagen climate change talks, the head of the UN's climate change agency says.

Other nations will only care that the federal government has made a commitment to reduce emissions targets ahead of the summit, Yvo de Boer says.

"I think everybody is very happy with what Australia is doing," he told ABC radio.

But when asked whether it mattered if Australia arrived at Copenhagen in December with a scheme in place, he replied: "Quite honestly no."

So there you have it, from the horse's mouth: a commitment is all that's required. Kevin Rudd's blinkered urge to see the ETS enshrined in legislation before December is exposed as nothing but political posturing. Enough is enough, Mr Rudd. Delay the ETS until after Copenhagen. End of story.

Read it here.

UPDATE: See Penny Wong's knee-jerk response here [Can you guess what it is? - Ed]


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