Forget the Gore Effect, now it's the Hansen Effect
Gore Effect: The phenomenon that leads to unseasonably cold temperatures, driving rain, hail, or snow whenever Al Gore visits an area to discuss global warming (source)
And now it seems James Hansen is having a similar effect on the weather. The juxtaposition was perfect - Hansen and a bunch of warmists (that numbered in the hundreds rather than thousands) protesting in the worst snow storm of the year in Washington DC. As The Australian reports, under the headline "Big chill buries global warming protest":
The storm ... buried under 15cm of snow any hope of global warming activism.
Reports said the activists had hoped to swarm Washington in an effort to force the Government to close the Capitol Power Plant, which heats and cools government buildings, including the Supreme Court and the Capitol.
Fox News said the scene was reminiscent of a day in January 2004, when Al Gore made an address on global warming in New York -- on one of the coldest days in the city's history.
In a press release supporting the protest against the coal-fired plant, Greenpeace wrote that "coal was the country's biggest source of global warming pollution" and "burning coal cuts short at least 24,000 lives in the US annually". But Fox News said it might be worth noting the US Government's own stark numbers: pneumonia kills twice as many each year.
Enjoy. Read it here.
Comedy gold.
I'm not superstitious but even a rationalist like myself is wondering whether the Gore Effect is in fact real..
Anonymous, At
March 4, 2009 at 9:14 AM
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