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Australian Climate Madness

Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Stock and Land" - Nationals' Warren Truss ridicules ETS modelling

"Stock and Land?", I hear you ask. Well yes, as it appears to be one of the few media outlets that have the sense to print the views of the Nationals on the ETS modelling (as neither The Age, Sydney Morning Herald nor The Australian appear to have given Warren Truss a single column-inch of space amongst all the leftie propaganda):
The Leader of The Nationals, Warren Truss said Treasury clearly stated this fact: “Stabilisation [of greenhouse gas emissions] is only possible with action by all major emitters”.

“The Treasury modelling confirms that the Rudd Government’s proposal to introduce an ETS in 2010 – ahead of most of the rest of the world and our major trading partners – is folly,” Mr Truss said.

“There seems to be an assumption that big emitters will simply fall into line once Australia and a few other countries act. This is unlikely and we certainly won’t know until well after Labor’s scheme is scheduled to begin.”

Hello, testing, testing... Are you receiving this, Malcolm Turnbull? This should be Coalition policy, not just Nationals policy.
"The Rudd Government seems prepared to rush into this most momentous of decisions based purely upon ideology and a desire to reap new tax revenue,” Mr Truss said.

Give this man a Nobel Prize (and an Oscar for luck).

Read it here.

P.S. Kevin Rudd can't even make a joke when it's staring him right in the face, such is the dullness of his intellect. Speaking on ABC's 7.30 Report, he said:
"My Cabinet colleagues and I have a lot of midnight oil to burn on this and other challenges in the weeks ahead."

I mean, if he'd said that Peter Garrett (who is after all the Environment Minister, God help us) has a lot of Midnight Oil to burn, see, that's funny...


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